Our Westlake

Ch 4 Austin Hustlers Ch 4 Prohibition n Bootleggin' Tales

Emmett Shelton, Sr. Season 4 Episode 4

           Emmett Shelton Sr. spent many years as a criminal defense atty in the Texas hillcounty, getting (and keeping) bootleggers out of jail! In this episode, Emmett tells 7 of his favorite first-hand experiences. Prohibition was ratified nationally in 1919 and it was repealed in most Texas counties in 1935.
           Emmett's first story takes us to a South Austin Democratic Precinct Debate over Prohibition. Emmett's Papa, John E. Shelton, was against it. but it Passed.
          Our first bootleggin' tale, is a story of Westlake Bootleggers who ran a local dance pavilion on Bee Cave Road in the 20s. Albert Brust killed his stepson Ernest Thurman after a family feud and a night of drinking. Emmett defended Ernest and he got off. 
         Emmett tells of a murder case of a Westlake Bootlegger and Emmett's close friend, Earl Short. Emmett got him off on self-defense. Next, is a story of Ike Young, he ran a still on Bee Creek near the lake. A Revenuer murdered.
        Next, is the tale of the trial of a bootlegger where the defense atty drank the evidence, with a gulp, during the trial. Emmett has another tale about the Capitol Bootlegger Fred Roose who got cross-ways with the Texas Rangers and lost out on his planned trip to Europe.
        And then, Emmett tells a very interesting bootlegger trial involving the state's stoolpigeon who had transported the evidence crossed county lines. 
         Finally, just before prohibition was repealed the liquor distributors were preparing - but a gunshot gave them away. Emmett had an interesting experience emptying a liquor warehouse before police could raid it.


Music: The Alcoholic Blues (Prohibition Song) by Bill Murray (1919) 
                 The Alcoholic Blues by Slipdixies (2017)

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Stories told by Emmett Shelton / compiled and submitted by Cynthia Shelton.