Our Westlake

Ch4 Austin Hustlers Ep10 John Newton Escape Artist in Jail

Season 4 Episode 10

 Emmett Shelton (1905-2000) continues his new Chapter "Austin Hustlers" from his 50-year career as a criminal defense lawyer in Austin, roughly 100 years ago.
           Emmett tells first-hand stories of the actions and defense of a high-profile bank robber, John Newton in 1934.
           In Ep.9, Emmett told the story of John Newton and two other men and their wives, robbing the bank in Coleman, John and his wife were pursued by the Texas Rangers. They got stuck in a pasture near Llano and gave themselves up.
           In Ep.10 Emmett stood by John in court in San Angelo. Although John agreed to 15 years in Huntsville prison, he told Emmett of his secret escape hatch in his cell. Three years later, John's mother came by and dropped off a bag of clothes just in case he came by. A few months later several prisoners were found to have a tunnel under the prison wall.
        That year, John's pistol was still in courts evidence. Emmett offered the pistol to Coke Stevenson Speaker. Emmett delivered it to the House Floor while the House was in session. He delivered the pistol in a brown paper bag.


Music: Theme song from Walker Texas Rangers

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Stories told by Emmett Shelton / compiled and submitted by Cynthia Shelton.